His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries blog tasks

   His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries blog tasks


1) Read this audience rating guide for His Dark Materials. Based on the screening and this article, who do you think the target audience is for His Dark Materials and why? What about psychographic groups? You can revise Pyschographics here.

The audience rating guide indicates that His Dark Materials is suitable for viewers 13 years of age and older. This suggests that the target audience for the programme is likely to be adults and teenagers. This is understandable as the programme contains mature content and complex themes that may not be suitable for younger viewers.Readers His Dark Materials may be categorized as a fantasy or science fiction drama. It may also fall into the category of thought provoking and sophisticated storytelling.Philip Pullman’s original book series and viewers who enjoy excellent, immersive TV storytelling may fall into this category.Viewers who are interested in the philosophical and ethical aspects of the show may also find it interesting, as His Dark Materials often deals with complex issues of moral, religious, and human nature.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

By immersing the audience in the lives of the young protagonists, who are on a journey to discover their true selves, the episode invites the viewer to empathize with their struggles and triumphs, and to feel a sense of freedom and liberation. For example, when the young protagonists explore the mysterious city of 'Città-gazze' and learn more about 'the delicate knife', they are able to escape their mundane lives and enter a magical world.

The episode also emphasizes the importance of personal relationships, as the characters form strong bonds with each other, particularly between the main characters and the witches. The audience is left feeling fulfilled and connected to the characters, as they watch them work together to fight against 'the Magisterium', which is a testament to the power of connections and solidarity.Distraction or escape:

Additionally, by immersing viewers in a mystical environment brimming with intrigue and mystery, the programme provides a means of diversion or escape. The audience may find solace from ordinary concerns in the mythological realm of armoured bears, daemons, and mysterious predictions. The episode's colourful and creative writing allows the viewers to momentarily put their worries aside and lose themselves in an intriguing and thrilling plot.

All things considered, His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies offers the audience a number of delights, including a gratifying feeling of self, the fulfilment of interpersonal relationships, and an enjoyable escape from reality. Given that these pleasures fulfil the audience's needs for escape, connection, and entertainment,

3) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to His Dark Materials? Refer to specific scenes or moments in the episode to explain your answer.

 All three of the Vs crowd favourites are alluded to in His Dark Materials. Visceral pleasures can be found in the series' dramatic and action-packed moments, such as the fast-paced and thrilling chase scenes with the Gyptians or the brutal conflicts among the armoured bears. By allowing the viewer to sense the characters' affinity and connection, the intimate and emotional moments between the characters—such as Lyra's conversations with the polar bear Iorek Byrnison—offer vicarious joys. Voyeuristic pleasures are evident when the spectator is given a peek into the characters' deepest thoughts and emotions, as is the case when we observe Mrs. Coulter and Lord Asriel's internal struggles as they sort through their complex reasons and relationships. Taking everything into account, His Dark Materials expertly blends all three versus audience

4) How did fans react to Season 2 of His Dark Materials? What about critic reviews? You can find some possible answers for this in this BBC website article on the critical reception for His Dark Materials and watch the fan reaction video above.

The lion's share of His Dark Materials watchers reacted well to Season 2, with numerous lauding the show's great acting and practical retelling of the novel. The show's extraordinary world-building and visual impacts were too commended by certain watchers. In any case, a few watchers moreover voiced disappointment with the way a few character circular segments were taken care of and the by and large pacing of the season.His Dark Materials Season 2 gotten for the most part ideal surveys from pundits. The appear gotten tall marks from faultfinders for its eminent acting, eye-catching illustrations, and capacity to go advance into the complex world that creator Philip Pullman has built. In comparison to the primary season, a few pundits also pointed out enhancements within the pacing and narrating. Be that as it may, a few of the season's character choices and plot turns were moreover scrutinized. The common assention among pundits was that the adjustment of His Dark Materials remained captivating and tastefully flawless. 

5) What might be some of the preferred and oppositional readings for His Dark Materials? Why did some fans love it? Why have other people criticised it? 

His Dark Materials is a popular series that has been praised by many fans for its thought-provoking stories, well-developed characters, and complex world-building. It explores deep themes like free will, religious power, and the human soul. Many fans also admire the strong and independent female protagonist Lyra Bellacqua and the touching story of her coming of age. However, some critics and readers have criticized the series for its anti-religion undertones, such as its critique of organized religion and its depiction of the church as being oppressive and corrupt. Some critics have also expressed concern about the mature topics and complex concepts in the books, claiming that they may not be suitable for younger readers. 

Why some fans love it:

The compelling and immersive storytelling

The imaginative and well-developed world-building

The depth of the characters

The exploration of deep themes

The personal and emotional appeal of the series


1) Which companies produced this His Dark Materials series?

The His Dark Materials series was produced by Bad Wolf, New Line Cinema, Scholastic, and BBC Studios.

2) What were the UK viewing figures for A City of Magpies? How did this compare to season 1 of His Dark Materials?

The second series of His Dark Materials has been welcomed by critics, but many have said it is weaker than the first. The launch episode of the second season, titled The City of Magpies, was watched by an average of 4.4 million viewers on Sunday evening.

3) What was American network HBO's role in making His Dark Materials and why is this important? Look at the notes above for more on this.

All things considered, the choice of these actors for His Dark Materials probably had to do with their unique gifts, backgrounds, and capacity to give their roles nuance and feeling. They were perhaps the best selections for the play because of their prior experience and the variety of their performing skills. Their highly praised performances in His Dark Materials prove that the casting choices were wise.

4) What famous stars are in His Dark Materials and why do you think they were selected for the show? Watch the Comic Con panel video in the notes above to see the stars talking about the show.

Several well-known actors, including James McAvoy, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ruth Wilson, and Dafne Keen, appear in His Dark Materials. Because of their skill, notoriety, and capacity to give their roles nuance and feeling, these performers were probably chosen for the production. Dafne Keen, best known for her part in Logan, was picked because of her powerful and captivating on-screen persona. Ruth Wilson, who gained recognition for her role in The Affair, was probably picked because of her aptitude at depicting nuanced and mysterious people. James McAvoy, who is well-known for his parts in Split and X-Men, was probably chosen because of his adaptability and capacity to play a variety of roles. Last but not least, Lin-Manuel Miranda—best known for his roles in Mary Poppins Returns and Hamilton—was probably picked for his charisma.

5) Who are Bad Wolf and what do they produce?

Based in Cardiff, Wales, the United Kingdom, Bad Wolf Ltd. is a television production business launched in 2015 by Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter. The Night Of, Beddgelert, A Discovery of Witches, His Dark Materials, and the current Doctor Who era are among the television shows that the business is responsible for.

Comparison: Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child and His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies

1) How are the technical conventions different between 1963 Doctor Who and 2020 His Dark Materials (e.g. camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene)?

 Between 1963 and 2020, the technical conventions of Doctor Who and Dark Materials differ greatly in various aspects of cameras, editing, sound, and scene. Camerawork: In 1963, Doctor Who, due to the technology constraints of the time, camerawork was more static and limited. The camera's movements are minimal, and the shots are often simple and simple. In its dark materials in 2020, on the other hand, the camerawork is much more dynamic and sophisticated, with a wider range of movement and more sophisticated film production. Editing: The 1963 Doctor Who editing was more basic, with simple cutting techniques and transitions. On the other hand, his dark materials are more complex and use a wide range of editing techniques, including fast cutting, visual effects and computer-generated images. Sound: Doctor Who's 1963 sound design was limited by technology at the time, and was based on simpler audio effects and a more basic approach to recording. In contrast, its dark materials benefit from advances in sound technology, with advanced sound design, wider range of sound effects and immersive sound experiences. Mise-en-scene: Doctor Who was more limited in 1963 due to budget and technical limitations, resulting in a simpler set design and visual effect. His dark materials, on the other hand, benefit from modern advances in production design and visual effects, resulting in a more sophisticated and immersive scene. Overall, his Dark Materials' 2020 technical conventions were much more advanced and sophisticated than the 1963 Doctor Who, reflecting the evolution of television technology and production standards. 

2) What similarities and differences are there between Doctor Who and His Dark Materials in terms of genre and narrative?
Similarities: - Both Doctor Who and His Dark Materials can be classified as science fiction/fantasy stories. - Both stories involve elements of time travel, alternate worlds, and fantastical creatures. - Both narratives feature young protagonists who are drawn into epic adventures that involve saving the world/universe. Differences: - Doctor Who is a long-running television series that has been ongoing since 1963, while His Dark Materials is a series of novels written by Philip Pullman, which has been adapted into TV and film. - Doctor Who often incorporates a light-hearted and whimsical tone, while His Dark Materials delves into darker and more complex themes, including theology and the nature of consciousness. - The Doctor Who narrative often involves standalone episodes or mini-arcs, while His Dark Materials is told as a more linear, continuous story across the books.
3) How are representations of people, places and groups similar or different in the two shows?
The person, place and group represented in the two shows may be both similar and different. Similarity: 1. Both shows can use stereotypes or generalizations to represent certain groups or places. For example, they may describe New Yorkers as fast and always in an urge, or they may describe a particular neighborhood as dangerous and rough. 2. Both programs can also use common archetypes to represent characters such as the wise old mentor, the unusual friend, or the hard but loving protagonist. Differences: 1. One show can focus more on realistic and nuanced representations of people, places and groups, while the other can rely more on exaggerated or caricatured representations for comedy or dramatic effect. 2. Performances can also present different perspectives on the same people, places or groups, depending on the specific focus and theme of each performance. For example, one show may depict a particular neighbourhood as vibrant and diverse, while the other may focus on its challenges and difficulties. 


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