I, Daniel Blake

1) What is independent cinema and how is it different to Hollywood blockbusters?
independent filmmakers or smaller entertainment companies.
2) What is I, Daniel Blake about?
Daniel Blake (Dave Johns) is a 59-year-old widowed carpenter who must rely on welfare after a recent heart attack leaves him unable to work. Despite his doctor's diagnosis, British authorities deny Blake's benefits and tell him to return to his job.
3) Who directed I, Daniel Blake and why is this important?
Ken Loach,The film stars Dave Johns as Daniel Blake, a middle-aged man who is denied Employment and Support Allowance despite being declared unfit to work by his doctor.
4) How was I, Daniel Blake promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign and how they targeted their audience.
  1. Film Festival Premieres: The movie was initially promoted by premiering at prestigious film festivals such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival. These events helped generate buzz and positive reviews from critics, attracting the attention of a discerning audience.

  2. Social Media Campaign: The film's marketing team utilized social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to engage with potential viewers. They shared behind-the-scenes photos, interviews with the cast and crew, and powerful quotes from the film, creating anticipation and encouraging audience interaction.

  3. Targeted Advertising: The marketing campaign included targeted advertising on platforms like YouTube, where trailers and clips were strategically placed to reach a specific demographic. The ads were designed to evoke emotional responses, highlighting the film's themes of social injustice and human resilience, resonating with socially conscious viewers.

Publicity through Awards and Accolades Online Influencer Partnerships adverts
5) What unusual or creative marketing methods were used to get audiences talking about the film?
  • Organise free (or ‘pay what you can’) screenings and talks in community centres across the UK to build local enthusiasm for the film’s message.
  • Film was premiered not in London, but Newcastle (where the film is set) to gain local support. 
  • Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn attended the London premiere and people that had been denied benefit payments were asked to placard the event.
  • ‘I, Daniel Blake’ was projected onto the Houses of Parliament ('guerrilla marketing') and in various cities
  • Loach appeared on BBC Question Time to talk on issue giving the film extra credibility
6) What was the estimated production budget for I, Daniel Blake and how much did it make at the box office?

2 million budget / 11 million in the box office

7) How can independent films like I, Daniel Blake compete with Hollywood blockbusters like Black Widow?

they have a meaning towards the audience and are based more towards real life so will grab more serious audience attention

8) What is the name of the film regulator in the UK and what was the age rating for I, Daniel Blake?
The theatrical release of I, Daniel Blake gained a 15 certificate.bbfc
British Board of Film Classification

9) What aspects of the film contributed to the film's age rating?

foul language was used towards other characters

10) Finally, considering everything you have learned about I, Daniel Blake, do you think the film was a success? Explain your answer in a well developed paragraph.

"I, Daniel Blake" was a successful movie, in my opinion. Under Ken Loach's direction, the film powerfully exposes the shortcomings and injustices in the social welfare system, leaving a deep impression on viewers. The film's success can be ascribed to its capacity to arouse intense feelings and spark provocative conversations regarding how society treats its most vulnerable citizens. Viewers are moved by the portrayal of the title character, Daniel Blake, as a kind and hardworking man who succumbs to a bureaucratic nightmare, and are prompted to feel empathy and resentment towards the system that fails him. The movie's popularity is also demonstrated by the critical praise it received, as it took home the coveted Palme d'Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. Moreover, its influence goes beyond the screen as its towards serious audience. 


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